
Mostrando las entradas de mayo, 2018


WAS/WERE GOING TO, WAS/WERE SUPPOSED TO Usaremos was/were going to para hablar sobre planes que hicimos en el pasado y no sucedieron o no sucederán en el futuro. We are going to visit the Homers later that year, but we didn't go for some reason. (Nosotros planeábamos visitar a los Homer pero no lo hicimos) We were going to spend the weekend in Paris, but there was no free rooms. (íbamos a pasar el fin de semana en París, pero no vamos a ir allí). Usaremos was/were supposed to para hablar sobre cosas que nos pusimos de acuerdo para hacer, o que la gente espera que hagamos, pero que no hicimos. Ana was supposed to book the cottage months ago, but she forgot. (Acordamos que Ana reservaría la casa de campo, pero no lo hizo) I was supposed to call you back, wasn't I? Sorry, Sam, I was out all day. (Sam esperaba que su novia le devolviese la llamada, pero no lo hizo Después de was/were going to y was/were supposed to, siempre usamos infinitivos. Usamos estas frases para discul...


Should and Shouldn't - Use  We use  should have + past participle  to talk about things we regret. I got really wet walking home last night, I  should have taken  an umbrella. The speaker did not take an umbrella when she went out last night so she got wet. She regrets that she did not take her umbrella. Regret (verb/noun) is to feel sorry about something that happened or did not happen in the past. We use should and shouldn't to give advice or to talk about what we think is right or wrong. You should means something like I think it is a good idea for you to do it. You shouldn't means something like I think it is a bad idea for you to do it. Should is used to express the opinion of a speaker and often follows I thinkor I don't think. Examples      You look tired. I think you should take a few days off.      Alice works very long hours. Sh...